Prevention Program
- The Prevention Program offers educational and training opportunities for businesses, schools, organizations, and community members on many topics including bullying, bystander intervention, healthy relationships, and recognizing and getting help in situations of domestic violence and sexual assault. We have age-appropriate activities and materials for all groups, large or small. All educational programs through the Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living are provided free of charge.
- We facilitate the Fairbanks Prevention Alliance, a collaborative community effort open to all of those interested in addressing community wellness and safety through primary prevention strategies. Always looking to expand membership, meetings are held the last Wednesday of each month at noon over Zoom and in person at a rotating host facility.
- The Prevention Program is currently working on implementation of several programs that focus on primary prevention in the community, such as the ones below.
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is a transformational physical activity-based positive youth development program for girls in 3rd-8th grade. The program teaches life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and running games. The program culminates with the girls being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5k running event. The goal of the program is to unleash confidence through accomplishment while establishing a lifetime appreciation of health and fitness. Girls on the Run is currently recruiting new host sites (typically elementary and middle schools), coaches, and other volunteers to help make the program successful.
Coaching Boys into Men
Coaching Boys into Men is a program designed for coaches of high school-aged boys involved in any sport (within or outside of the school environment) to integrate teaching healthy boundaries and stepping outside of gender stereotypes. Other goals include promoting positive mental health, gender equality, and building respectful, nonviolent relationships. The curriculum is free and supported by our program. Coaches, athletic directors and school administrators interested in the program can contact us for more information.
Green Dot
Green Dot is a bystander intervention strategy that engages community members in preventing violence and making Fairbanks a safer place. What exactly is Green Dot? The reality is, most of us can think of times when we saw something happening or had a feeling in our gut that something wasn’t quite right… a co-worker whose new relationship seems off, an employee who talks about their partner in a way that makes you think they hurt them, a customer who grabs her child by the arm too hard. If you see something going on that doesn’t look right, you have a lot of options.
A red dot is a moment in time when violence happens in our community. Every time one of us (a bystander) finds a way to safely intervene, we are creating a green dot. The more green dots we create, the less red dots we will have. When you see a red dot happening, that’s where reactive green dots come in. These are green dots used to respond to instances of violence.
How do you intervene? There are three different types of reactive green dots, called the three D’s.
- Direct: Talk to the person who might be getting hurt and ask if they are OK or offer resources, talk to the person doing the harm and tell them to stop.
- Distract: Ask the neighbors you’re concerned about to borrow a cup of sugar; ask the person escalating if you know them from somewhere; start a conversation with a parent escalating with a child in a grocery store.
- Delegate: Call the police; ask a bartender or bouncer to help, ask some friends to help you intervene.
Proactive Green Dots
Proactive green dots work towards stopping the violence before it can ever happen. You can talk about Green Dot, post a bystander video on Facebook, or do a “Green Dot Challenge.”
Although IAC doesn’t currently facilitate Green Dot overviews and trainings, reach out to our Prevention Director to be connected to our community partners at UAF that do!
Prevention Director: 907-799-5075,
Community Outreach
- Our Agency Overview
- Domestic Violence 101
- SA in Alaska
- Bystander Intervention
- Consent Laws
- Healthy Communication and Boundaries
- Supporting Survivors
To request any of the free presentations or get more information about what trainings are possible, please contact the Prevention Director: 907-799-5075,
907 452 2293
Local Hotline
800 478 7273
Toll Free